The images in this category of photography are both deliberate and random. They are unedited and what photographers may call "straight photography". I used both a dedicated digital camera and a cell phone. Photography is a discovery of phenomena that we see in our individual eye paths of vision. I was trained as a painter, but photography has always been with me as an adjunct medium. Drawing is also important as it too is a medium of seeing and recording. Photography captures moments of camera vision of what I see in space including foreground,middle ground,background in land,sky and sea. Abstract,animals,insects,objects and people also comprise the subjects I have photographed.The images were seen and documented in the following locations:Austin, Georgia (USA),Los Angeles, Salt Lake City, Arches National Park,Joshua Tree National Park ,Native American Pictographs in various Utah sites, Palm Springs,Guam, St. Louis and Saipan.

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